Knightmare Lexicon - A Knightmare Encyclopædia

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1. Orford Castle
 [Related Image] A 12th century castle in the village of Orford, Suffolk, built by Henry II.

The circular Upper Hall was often used in Knightmare as a Level 3 chamber:
 [Related Image] In Series 4 it was the clue room where pacts with Hordriss, Malice and Merlin were redeemed.
 [Related Image] Helen, Alistair, Dickon and Giles were all rewarded with spells here.
 [Related Image] The exit as seen through the Eyeshield. (Alistair, Dickon and Giles immediately arrived back in the same room again!)
 [Related Image] Helen was later killed by Mogdred in this room.
 [Related Image] The entrance to the Corridor of Blades could also be found here in Series 4.
 [Related Image] Team 6 of Series 4 visited the same room four times in a single episode. On the third occasion they had to defeat Malice.
 [Related Image] The window seat was used to display their quest object, the Crown.
 [Related Image] The room made a one-off appearance in Level 2 for Team 7 of Series 4. Jeremy landed on a table after climbing down the wellway.
 [Related Image] Team 4 of Series 5 also earned vital magic from Hordriss in this chamber.
 [Related Image] Team 6 of Series 6 were the last to visit the room, encountering Elita and Skarkill in Level 3.

A photograph taken by Jake Collins can be found in Issue 67 of The Eye Shield. The Upper Hall nowadays houses a museum.
 [Related Image] Dickon also visited the chapel during an Eyeshield sequence.
 [Related Image] This room was used in Series 7 as the tavern where Barry Thorne revealed Marta to be Lissard in disguise.

Orford Castle is managed by English Heritage and is open to the public. Click here to visit the website.

Provided By: Canadanne, 2025-02-16 22:48:11
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